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Friday, January 20, 2012

Turzai Trying to Help Congressional Republicans End Medicare

Republican House Majority Leader Mike Turzai is launching an attempt to join the extremist Republican Congress’ efforts to end Medicare while protecting tax breaks for billionaires.
“Western Pennsylvanian voters will strongly reject career politician Mike Turzai’s attempt to join Washington Republicans’ extreme agenda of ending Medicare while protecting tax breaks for billionaires and Big Oil,” said Josh Schwerin of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Mike Turzai’s backroom dealing can’t hide his extreme anti-middle class agenda after he voted for more crowded classrooms, higher tuition costs, property taxes hikes and more layoffs.”

Turzai Called Extreme Anti-Middle Class Agenda “An Outstanding Blueprint.” In 2011, Turzai supported Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget, which called for “deep cuts in education and the elimination of hundreds of state jobs,” as well as increasing the future likelihood of higher property taxes. “I think it’s an outstanding blueprint for the state of Pennsylvania,” Turzai said of the plan.
[WJAC, 3/8/11; YouTube, 3/8/11]

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