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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Save The Western Pennsylvania Middle Class.org (http://savewesternpamiddleclass.blogspot.com//) is pleased to announce the launch of its blog.

The Western Pennsylvania Middle Class is under threat of extinction. We represent a bi-partisan call to save the Middle Class life style we grew up with and cherish in our region during the 1950's, 60's and 70's. It is our premise that the extinction of the Western Pennsylvania Middle Class is not a historical accident but rather a betrayal of an entire generation which provided the manpower for several wars who made and bought products that fostered American-style prosperity around the planet. This blog will report on the Western Pennsylvania Middle Class; what we can do to preserve our way of life; call out those who betray the Middle Class and be a beacon of hope in creating a Western Pennsylvania future in which all of our citizens have a chance to prosper and enjoy the good life that this region offers all of us. This blogs mandate is to fight for Western Pennsylvania Middle Class citizens as our primary cause. We do not believe our citizens have to be sold out nor should we be sold out to create the Middle Class of India or China. We are proud to be Americans and will not tolerate second class citizens at the hands of the political hacks and enablers.

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